Tuesday, June 7, 2011

Suzie Goes to the Vet

We made it to the vet on time this morning.  Suzie wasn't so sure about it, and got car sick on the way there.  There is at least 20 miles of curvy, mountain roads between us and the vet, so most of the puppies get carsick by the time we arrive.  They usually look awful, and because the vet asks us to NOT give a bath before coming, they look doubly dirty and unkempt.

Suzie did not sniff around and check everything out, but instead, curled up in one spot and just looked.  I put her on the scale and she weighed 9.4 lbs.  I guessed she was 10 lbs, so I was pretty close.

The vet goes through some basic things like looking at their teeth, feeling their abdomen, listening to their hearts, checking for hernias, and checking their skin for flakiness, as well as their ears for dirty brown muck, which is usually an indication of ear mites.  Suzie came out with a clean bill of Health, and once she has her bath, she'll be an attractive, cozy ball of fluff!  She also got her Rabies shot, so that makes her 100% current on all her shots.  She'll need another Rabies in one year, and she'll need a yearly booster when she turns 1 year old, on 11-30-11.

She still gets carsick.  Hopefully with more experience, and not so many curves, she'll grow out of this.

The droolie mouth is the first indication of being carsick.  Poor girlie!  She will probably look a mess after her trip to Fresno tomorrow, so the new owners should just plan on needing to give her a bath.  I'm going to give her a bath tonight AND have someone hold her on the trip tomorrow to try and cushion her from the curvy roads.  Hopefully she won't look quite this bad!

I said I was going to be "real" in this blog.  No sugar coating what it takes to send out a cute, fluffy puppy.  The process is not always cute or fluffy!!  But we enjoy it!

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone

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